Friday, January 15, 2010

After Election Day 2008

The Lord’s Will
Current mood: blessed
Category: News and Politics

I had a startling thought this morning as I talked to my friend Jason about the election results...He is among those who voted for Obama...and I would have been as well if I had actually had time to vote (beat me up about it later, either way, he still won)...I've seen a lot of reaction to the results in folks' status and mood on here and on facebook...Most of my friends are quite pleased...but there are some...along the conservative Christian line that are utterly disgusted and here is my thought:

Why do we think something is in the Lord's Will only when it is what we wanted to happen???

I believe that God is always in control...yes, we make our own decisions, but God can intervene...Take, for instance, my marriage and divorce...I did not ever want to be divorced...but I believe that it was the Lord's will that I was (no, God does not like divorce, but I'm quite sure He would prefer it over killing myself or my ex)...I questioned if it was His will that I even had gotten married to begin with...of course it was His kids needed someone stable in their lives...and since I cannot have kids of my own, I at least got to experience the joy of raising and loving them...and now look at me...I'm happy, alive and still seeking God...

I knew this was a monumental election....I knew Obama was going to win...People want change...No, I don't personally agree with every single iota of his platform...but I do believe he will make great and necessary changes and he can unite this country to be more involved in what happens in society and government...He already spurred the masses to get out and vote in record breaking numbers...

I don't wanna hear Christians complaining that this country is going to hell or that we'll end up Communists...whether abortion remains legal or not will not destroy this country...if gay marriage is legalized, the world won't burst into flames...Sin is is just as wrong to lie as it is to kill...and equally as bad to gossip and speak slanderously about your President as it is for a man to lie with another man...If you don't believe that the right choice was made, PRAY...

My other concern is about racism...if you know me at all you are well aware that a majority of my friends are not of the Caucasian has always been that way from Kindergarten on up til now...what can I say, I was raised right (that everyone is equal)...there is not an intolerant bone in this body...I know a lot of people voted for Obama simply because he is black and I don't necessarily think that alone is right...but there were also a lot of people voting for McCain because Obama is is disturbing either way...

So, in the post-election madness, reflect on this Scripture and "chiggidy check ya self before ya wreck ya self..." lol...

"Examine and test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it." 2 Corinthians 13:5

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